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What are Some Air Purifier Benefits for the Skin? We List them Down!

air purifier benefits skinWould you like to know what are some air purifier benefits for the skin? This article will cover such, as we list down what makes an air purifier a good investment not only for your environment, for your room, or for your business, but also for your skin.

Dry skin and irritation can sometimes be caused by excessively dusty places. Imagine if you haven’t dusted your room in a while – that could not only lead to allergic rhinitis or hay fever, but it could also make you itch due to the bacteria and viruses that roam around! This is why air purifiers may be beneficial for your skin. Read on to find out why…


Are air purifiers good for skin?

Yes! In fact, air purifiers have the following benefits for your skin:


  1. Lessens skin irritation. Skin irritation comes from bacteria and viruses, which can eventually create skin diseases when not taken care of. Air purifiers can take care of that by trapping or removing these bad bacteria from the air you breathe (and your skin breathes).


In fact, we’ve also mentioned in our effects of air pollution in points that air pollution could cause allergies, one of which is skin irritation (and not just hay fever!). It’s also worth noting that some instances of allergic rhinitis could also cause you to constantly rub your face, which could also cause skin irritation and breakouts, which is bad!


  1. Cools down your skin. Because air purifiers tend to have a cooling feature (e.g. their fan speeds), you can actually help your skin cool down during the summer. For best results, you can use your air purifier with your AC unit to help in cooling the indoor space you have (or your business establishment). Just make sure that it’s at the right speed to avoid overworking your unit’s motor.


  1. Reduces the likelihood of wrinkles. Did you know that there have been some studies linking aging to exposure to pollutants? If that’s true, well, an air purifier can perhaps contribute to your anti-aging routine, other than applying your regular creams, serums, and the like.
Are air purifiers good for skin

Do air purifiers improve sleep?

Yes, indeed! Air purifiers operate very quietly at most, with the top speed Blueair Classic 403 HEPASilent Air Purification System, Allergy, Smoke and Dust Reducer, Medium to Large Rooms 365 sq. ft., White usually at 50 dB and below, so it’s not that troublesome for light sleepers, with their usual lower speeds at only 25 dB. In fact, the Blueair Classic 403 HEPASilent Air Purification System is one such example of a quiet-operating air purifier that you may like.

In fact, it may be able to help you out if you haven’t been able to sleep due to asthma or allergy attacks, as we mentioned in our article about air purifier for asthma and allergies. Air purifiers can also help you rest better because of its air filtering capabilities, which cause you to sneeze or wheeze less often.


Do air purifiers dry out the skin?

No – unless you have a dehumidifier at home or your air purifier has a dehumidifier function. Only dehumidifiers can dry out your skin if it has been used excessively because of its function that takes out most of the humidity in your area or room. However, if you don’t have a dehumidifier at home, air purifiers will not dry out your skin.


Air purifiers are only designed for use in filtering out pollutants and excessive dust, pollen, pet dander, and the like in the air. It doesn’t really care about how humid or dry your indoor space really is, which means good news if you have dry skin!


And on top of that, even those with oily skin problems could have benefits – less dust and dirt particles will stick to their face, causing less likelihood of breakouts!

What are the benefits of air purifiers?

Generally, air purifiers are known for the following benefits:


  1. Reduces the likelihood of respiratory problems. Air purifiers are best known to help with asthma, allergic rhinitis, and some instances of cold and coughing. These respiratory problems are often caused by a dirty and polluted area, which can be given the solution by a cleaning device such as an air purifier, which traps up to 99.97% of allergens in the air (for most true HEPA air purifiers, that is).


  1. Keeps your guests and customers happy. Got a business with many people often coming? Have an office with different clients visiting? Does your home always have guests? An air purifier could actually help them feel refreshed since it takes out most pollutants.


  1. Pets could smell better. If family members and guests are complaining about the smell of Tom or Fido or worrying about pet dander all over the couch, then an air purifier could help clean them up. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can skip bath time with your pets!


  1. Could help your AC unit in cooling. Did you know that AC units could actually work less in load if you have an air purifier? This is because air purifiers could also work as secondary fans that can help move air in your indoor space.

Do air purifiers help skin?

Yes, air purifiers could help you maintain clear skin. If you have dry skin, it will not affect the dryness because it is not a dehumidifier at all – it will just get rid

What are the benefits of air purifiers

of the pollutants in the air that could possibly irritate your skin.

The same is true for those with oily, combination, or sensitive skin. Air purifiers can remove instances of mold, bacteria, dust, germs, and the like that are in the air, which can cause breakouts if it sticks to your skin.


Having clean surroundings is yet another important step in keeping a radiant and glowing skin that’s free of blemishes and breakouts. Therefore, an air purifier could be a good investment for your skin as well!



To wrap it up, air purifiers are definitely going to give benefits to your skin. It cleans the air of pollutants, dirt, and dust, which could possibly make your skin worse, so it does help if you have an air purifier at home to reduce such pollutants so you can enjoy clear skin!


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