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What Exactly are the Effects of Air Pollution in Points?

air pollution

Are you looking to find out the effects of air pollution in points? You’re in luck because, in this article, we sum up what makes air pollution quite bad for our household and for our overall health.

No matter how you look at it, air pollution can affect not only your daily life but also the people around you. Air pollution stems usually from a dirty environment, whether you live in a large city that is highly populated or if you live in an industrial space where factories commonly produce not-so-pleasant outputs. Many of these factors could contribute to a foul-smelling and allergen-rich air.


What are the 5 effects of air pollution?

Without further ado, here are the effects of air pollution in points:


  1. Respiratory system diseases. This includes asthma, coughing, and some allergies. You may start to cough more often when going to the office via public transport or even just walking on the streets could make you sneeze due to the different allergens.


  1. It could shorten your life. This is because dirty air could also contribute to damage to a person’s internal organs, such as kidneys and the liver.
  1. Air pollution could produce acid rain. Because pollutants are sifted from the ground to the air with the method of evaporation. Acid rain can potentially be dangerous and toxic to various wildlife such as plants and animals.


  1. Give way to algae growth. Algae growth is bad not only to your home but also to plants and animals out there that want to thrive and live. But for humans, algae and mold are both harmful because they contain bad bacteria which could also deter human health. Not only that, but they also smell bad.
  1. Global warming and climate change. Air pollution often contains VOCs or volatile organic compounds so they could possibly destroy most of the Ozone layer, which we are all mostly aware that is almost destroyed. This causes our global warming and climate change to get worse.


What is the effect of air pollution on human health?

First and foremost, air pollution is bad on human health because it can cause allergies, coughing, asthma, and difficulty in breathing. As a matter

effects of air pollution in points

of fact, in a city where fresh air is nonexistent, some people have resorted to

buying an air purifier for asthma and allergies.


Secondhand smoke is also bad for non-smokers (and smokers, too, of course) because of the toxic chemicals that we breathe. Some people get

lung cancer and they don’t even smoke! Therefore, some people do shop for the best air purifier for cigar smoke to clear their home from such toxic content.


What are the harmful effects of air?

Air, when polluted or dirty, could not only make your health worse, but it could also make your guests feel unpleasant. A room feels dirty even when it’s physically clean when the smell lingers around the room because of the

polluted air.


In line with this, yes, if your indoor air is of bad quality, that may be the cause of your bedroom or house odors. In line with this, we wrote an article on how to get rid of odor in the bedroom.


Why is polluted air dangerous to your health?

Polluted air has the following potential dangers to your health:


  1. You may get more respiratory problems. Your asthma, allergic rhinitis, cough, cold, flu, and other respiratory system illness could get worse if you continue to inhale the polluted air.


  1. Damage to the nervous system. If you think dirty only gets into your lungs, think again – it could also get inside your system and could cause some serious damage.


  1. Organ damage. This may include your liver, reproductive organs, and spleen. While the effect is not drastic, it could accumulate when you live in a very dirty environment and if you’re often exposed to polluted air.


  1. Eye, nose, and throat irritation. The toxic fumes that enter your eyes, nose, and throat could possibly cause irritation. This could lead to a sore throat, watery eyes, and more allergies.


  1. Damage to the cardiovascular system. This is related to how your heart functions. This is also the reason why more and more people die due to heart problems because they live in a city that’s highly polluted without sufficient fresh air to breathe.


  1. More frequent headaches. If you live in an area where fresh air is hard to find, you may also find yourself having more headaches and anxiety as usual.


How can we reduce the harmful effects of air pollution?

To solve that problem, air purifiers can be a great investment in your home or business. Here’s why:


  1. Air purifiers can significantly reduce bacteria and viruses. This can cause people to get sick less often. In fact, some people do look for the best air purifier for bacteria and viruses to help get rid of such toxic content from the air.


  1. Reduces allergens in the air. If you help clean the air with air purifiers, you can significantly reduce the allergens that are present in the air. This may help if your office or home is situated near a factory that emits fumes that are not so friendly towards the Ozone layer.


  1. Freshens the air from being polluted. Nothing else can compare to fresh air in the mountains, but you can still replicate that with the help of an air purifier.


  1. Could help your AC cool faster. Did you know that if you use an air purifier, you can help your AC to work less load to cool your indoor air? This is because air purifiers already have a fan of their own.


  1. It helps keeps your business in shape. This is not only about homes, but businesses also need clean air, in fact, even more than homes. This is why hospital-grade whole house air purifier units are sometimes needed by business establishments such as hospitals, clinics, and anything that involves food and human health.



To wrap it up, it’s not that difficult to fight against air pollution. Aside from always cleaning the surroundings, investing in an air purifier for your home or office could be a great solution. This is especially the case if you live in an industrial city where pollution is quite inevitable.

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