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Solutions of Air Pollution in China

solutions of air pollution in china

If you’ve heard about the nCoV spreading around the world, you’d probably be trying to think of solutions of air pollution in China. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with this article, as we try to list down some important facts and anything that you can do to help keep the air pollution and the virus at bay.

But first, a little refresher: what is the nCoV? It is also known as the Novel Corona Virus, which has spread like wildfire from Wuhan, China, and is all over global news today because of its devastating effects on the respiratory system, which can cause fatal deaths.

The nCoV has produced a sickness called the COVID-19, which has affected many people today. In fact, as of February 2020, the World Health Organization confirmed more than 1,100 deaths, and more than 45,000 infected – that’s very alarming!

That’s why, in line with this, you might want to protect yourself and your homes from getting the bad air pollution that potentially carries the virus.

What is China doing to reduce air pollution?
If you want to know the methods of controlling air pollution of China, so far, most of their actions include closing down coal-powered power stations, which can help lessen the carbon particles that float in the air. Another action is by forbidding people from burning coal in some selected areas.

Consequently, the production of steel is also minimized to help reduce air pollution in China. Various other factories, mills, and smelters, were also closed down or are offered with a more eco-friendly alternative way of operating to lessen their impact on the environment.

As for the COVD-2019, China is doing preventive measures such as canceling public celebrations to avoid crowds potentially passing on the virus to other people. They have also enhanced their surveillance system to make sure they monitor people closely – foreigner or mainlander.

What is causing air pollution in China?
The following are the most common air pollutants in China:

Yellow dust Yellow dust pertains to dust that comes from dust storms, which come all the way from deserts that are in Northeast Asia, particularly Mongolia. They may contain various heavy metals and other harsh chemicals that, when inhaled, can be bad for human health.
Coal Coal is caused by power plants that use coal as fuel, as well as the use of coal for cooking, smelting, and the like. The government of China has made efforts to ban the use of coal or at least lessen it.
Smog Usually coming from air pollution from various sources, such as vehicles, smog is a common phenomenon observed in cities such as Beijing. It can be extremely difficult to breathe in such circumstances.
COVID-19 / Novel Corona Virus As we mentioned above, China’s Novel Corona Virus has introduced a harmful pollutant, which is a virus that affects thousands of people today and has caused deaths.

How can air pollution be reduced

How can air pollution be reduced?

Air pollution can be lessened if you use an air purifier. They are quiet and automatically-running units that can help reduce the particles in the air.

Air purifiers have the following benefits:

  1. They can remove allergy triggers. They remove dust particles thanks to their true HEPA filter, which can be important for people with allergies and asthma. In fact, some of them have turbo modes that can be used during hay fever season.


  1. They are ideal for pets at home. Pet dander is also removed, especially if your home is also home to frequently shedding cats and dogs (and maybe other furry pets).


  1. Most of them do not produce ozone. This means that they are safe for the environment – but you have to look for ozone-free units for this!


  1. They may control smoke. Their activated carbon filter takes care of smoke, which can be helpful if you live in a home with frequent smokers or if you want to get rid of smoke odors from a recent BBQ party.


  1. They can get rid of bad odors. This includes cooking smells, tobacco smells, and the like, thanks to their activated carbon filter.


  1. They can also help with mold. Many of them can also deal with mold smells and even lessen mold spores thanks to the UV lamp.


  1. They may be helpful for construction dust. If you live in an area near a construction site, having an air purifier can lessen the fumes that you (involuntarily) inhale from it.


  1. Many of them run quietly. They can be a sleeping buddy because they don’t make too much noise – most of them are only about 24 dB on the lowest setting and 50 dB on the highest.


  1. They can remove VOCs. Volatile organic compounds or VOCs are commonly found in household chemicals and the like. They can remove the smell and the particles that may be bad for your respiratory system and overall well-being.


  1. They are important for preventing airborne viruses in hospitals. For the hospital or clinic to maintain the safety of the patients, an air purifier is important to keep viruses, such as the nCov, from spreading.


Keep in mind that air purifiers are not all the same: you need the following features depending on what air problem you have:


  1. True HEPA filter – this is common in any air purifier but is found in the best air purifier to remove dust. True HEPA filters can clean up to 99.9% of dust particles, allergens, pollen, pet dander, construction dust, and other small particles in the air.


  1. Activated carbon filter – this filter is commonly found in an air purifier for cooking smells.


  1. UV germicidal lamp – most air purifiers can also have a UV lamp, which can disinfect most bacteria and viruses, or at least stall the nCoV in its path.



To wrap it up, air pollution in China can be terrible, but there’s nothing that can’t be solved once you know how to work around it.


Air purifiers can be a possible solution to at least lessen the particles that you breathe in the air and disinfect it. Of course, that also means we have to maintain cleanliness in ourselves and in our homes. We hope you find our article informative! Stay safe!


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